Audibaubles: Animated Christmas Magic by Sennep
Published Dec 20, 2024
“Audibaubles” is a fun series produced by London-based digital studio Sennep. These clever Christmas ornaments respond to sound and dance along to famous monologues from iconic holiday movies.
Each ornament acts as an audio visualizer that reacts to a memorable scene from a classic movie, and Sennep invites everyone to join in the holiday fun by guessing which movie is featured in each one. Matt Rice, the agency’s co-founder, explains the idea behind the project:
“We wanted to capture the joy and nostalgia of the holiday movies we love and watch every year, in a sonic and graphical way that is distinctive to Sennep.”
If you want to dive deeper into the project or check out more of Sennep’s work, head over to their website or follow their latest updates on Instagram.
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